What is The Secret to Selling 20% More Policies Within 2 Months

3 min readMar 24, 2022

The Root Problem

When it comes to selling more Overseas Health Insurance policies, it’s been a tedious process that most agencies have found quite difficult to pat down.

In-fact, I can guarantee that your own agency has found it difficult to really streamline to secure OSHC/OVHC policies what should otherwise be a steady source of extra profits.

The traditional method of handling this entire process is a complex one. Wherein, an education counsellor have a basic user level access to a health insurance portal to purchase policies on behalf of clients.

More importantly, such portals do not add value to their business.

Do you see how in-efficient that process actually is? To make matters worse, we have identified that this seems to be the root cause behind the dwindling numbers of policy purchases by agents.

The trade-off between the time taken and the monetary benefit was too little for agents to really invest their time into it.

In a scenario where an agent or counsellor agreed to purchase a policy on their behalf, there was another set of issues that had to be overcome.

You see, this process was usually done by having students either directly transfer the money into an organization’s account or handing over their card details.

This traditional process was slow and introduced lethargy to a business process that can be made seamless through existing tech.

There is also an issue of client confidence, where they would be required to hand over personal financial details and place their trust on the agents Many students would also prefer to see through this process in-person, which meant that those far-away would be hesitant.

Furthermore, all these leading health insurance providers can’t be compared easily. It requires the agent to manually search each policy offering and then present them to the student in a readable format. A side-by-side comparison doesn’t exist and is the need of the hour.

The Secret Solution

As the challenges keep adding up, it is quite appalling that we haven’t had a solution to this problem yet. The impact of a solution would be wide-spread, saving easily over 30 minutes of work per policy.

With a solution such as Konpare, agents are being more receptive to the idea of assisting students with their health insurance needs.

The sale of all these extra policies also has a direct effect on the revenue of the organization, with more commissions being pulled in per client. It also helps strengthen the stakeholder relationships with these leading insurance providers.

Now imagine that this solution comes at no cost to you. Want to see KONPARE in action? Reach out to us for a ten-minute demo, to see it in action.


We at KONPARE, constantly strive to make education agents’ life easier with regards to overseas student health cover (OSHC).

Moreover, we present agents with a chance to become KONPARE partners at no cost and be a part of this profit-generating platform by commission.

Let’s your agency scale to new heights! Try KONPARE today!

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Originally published at https://www.konpare.online.




KONPARE is an OSHC comparison portal for education agents & students. https://konze.com/products/konpare/